Thank You Project Challenge

I am half way through my Year of Thank You’s a Day and have decided to share it with everyone I know PLUS people I don’t know.

I created a company called the Thank You Challenge. My Goal between November 1,  2022 to December 31, 2023 is to get 1 MILLION Thank You Cards sent! Which means I need about 33,300 people to join the 30 day challenge and write 30 thank you cards!

  • If this sounds like something you might want to try OR

  • If this sounds like something one of your friends, family members, baristas, cleaners, contractors, coaches, teachers would be into

PLEASE sign up or share my message! I want so much gratitude to be sent out and smiles shared and I am not going to be able to accomplish this ALONE!

The Thank You Project Shop

Our website to join the challenge:
Our Instagram Page:

**Please know, you are not obligated to do any of this. If you received a card from me, I really just wanted to say thanks. I in NO WAY sent you a card trying to get you to join my challenge. I know some people have asked about it so I am now letting people know about my challenge. 😊


Accurate Listing = Happier Guests