02: From Corporate to Creative: Finding Your Freedom with Kenny Bedwell

Join Tanya Rooney as she interviews Kenny Bedwell, founder of STR Insights, about his journey from a soul-crushing corporate job to building his own thriving business. Tanya shares her own transition from 9-to-5 to creating a life on her terms, emphasizing the role of community and relationships in the transformation process.

In this episode, Kenny discusses his accidental leap into entrepreneurship, self-limiting beliefs, and the value of masterminds in igniting passion. Discover how he went from a windowless office to helping others find success in the short-term rental market. Tune in for insights, inspiration, and tips for pursuing your dreams.

Find Kenny on any of his social channels, Facebook group or website: 

IG: www.instagram.com/kenny_bedwell 

FB: https://m.facebook.com/kenneth.k.bedwell 

LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-bedwell-9680 

Website: www.strinsights.com 


03: Creating a Community for Business Leaders with Aaron Eggert


01: Creating Empowering Communities with Stacey St. John