04: The Financial Freedom Blueprint: Insights from Military Millionaires with Dave Pere

Join host Tanya Rooney as she delves into the world of financial freedom with guest Dave Pere, founder of Military Millionaire. In this engaging conversation, Dave shares how his journey from Marine Corps veteran to real estate investor led him to create a thriving community of service members and veterans seeking financial independence. Discover how Dave's disciplined approach and military background have shaped his success, and gain valuable insights into building wealth and achieving financial freedom. From real estate investing to mastermind groups, learn how Dave and his community are empowering others to take control of their financial futures.

Follow David Pere and make sure to let him know you heard him on the Tribe Builders Podcast:


IG: https://www.instagram.com/frommilitarytomillionaire

X: https://x.com/militaryrei

FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/militarymillionaire

LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-pere/


05: Behind the Curtain: Exploring Vulnerability in Business and Beyond with Matt Haney


03: Creating a Community for Business Leaders with Aaron Eggert