Reflections and Commitments for 2025
How on earth is it Christmas Eve? I can’t believe how fast this year has just flown by.
I have been thinking a lot about 2025. I don't know if you know this about me, but the last few years I have picked something to do every day for a year. It all started on January 1st, 2019.
2019: I started doing Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning every day. Cliff notes version is I do SAVERS every day, sometime during the day (I do not in fact limit it to the mornings). SAVERS stands for Silence (meditating), Affirmations, Visualization (complete transparency I do not do this one as often anymore), Exercise (as little or as much as I want to do) Reading (from a business or self improvement style book), Scribing (journal). This little routine I am still going strong with and I am celebrating SIX years of doing that every day on January 1, 2025.
2020: This particular year lagged in which I didn’t pick a new thing.
2021 + 2022: The next year I picked up a mile every day for 365 days. I did not accomplish it. I was about 60 days shy because I ended up getting surgery on both feet so I couldn’t walk during recovery. But as soon as I was healed up I started it again and did a full 365 days of 1 mile a day! – so this was more like 2 years in a row. – I no longer do this every single day.
2023: This was one of my favorite habits to pick up, I wrote a thank you card every day for a year. After this was done, I did a couple smaller challenges of sending a voice note to tell someone how awesome they were, but I have not kept up with daily notes. I still send cards but typically it’s a time or two a month and might be 2 and might be 10 of them.
2024: I gave up alcohol. I have already gone a full 365 days without it at this point. I have enjoyed not worrying about any foggy mornings because of a night of drinking. A hand full of times I had some FOMO about not drinking, but mostly this has been a great one for me and I haven't really missed it.
As we are entering 2025, I have been really excited to think of what I could commit to this year. I already know the Rooney household is focusing on health in 2025. So some of the things I am contemplating around that, are:
Natural sugars only in 2025. This means only fruit, honey and maple syrup for sweetener of any kind. No refined sugar, no processed crap, added sugar, etc.
Gluten Free 2025.
Paleo for a year. (meat, vegetables, fruits + seeds)
1,000 Hours outside.
All of these would be huge for my health. I am tempted to do everything, but I know that is not necessarily something I could keep going for 365 days. I think about the trips we have planned in 2025 (Thailand, Ireland, and the UK or Germany) and I don’t like to break the streak for any reason, so I am working through what each could look like during a big trip. 1,000 hours outside would mean we need to spend quite a bit of time during the summer outdoors, which I think would be a really fun push to change my current lifestyle.
A different area I am thinking about is a voice text a day to someone different every day, telling them why they are awesome or why I am proud of them. That one is super easy and wouldn’t take a huge effort (that means just a minute or less daily).
While I know a lot of people are thinking of their bigger goals (revenue targets, how many houses they want to buy, how many guests to host, etc) that surround their business, I am working hard to figure out something that is a challenge that would benefit the way I do life now. Something that takes me out of my comfort zone and something I have no choice but to commit to cause I said I would.
These are my thoughts as I wrap up this year. Very excited to pick and get started on new commitments 😊
I hope your family is healthy and well fed for the holidays this year! Merry Christmas!! -T